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by 아누나끼 posted Aug 17, 2015


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Police search for teens who attacked, terrorized young family

Monday, Aug. 17, 2015  WSB TV

Lash family

The couple had just returned to their home on Sumter Street Sunday night when they got a knock on the door they'll never forget.


Atlanta police are looking for a group of home invaders who they say attacked and terrorized a young couple and their children.

The family had just returned from vacation to their home on Sumter Street in northwest Atlanta around 7:30 p.m. Sunday when someone knocked on their door. Police say four teenagers asked to borrow a jack for their car, then tried to force their way inside.  When Michael Lash tried to close the door, police say the teens shot him in the legs.

When Lash's wife, Whitney, heard the shots, she grabbed their infant daughter and their 2-year-old son and ran toward the back door. The home invaders fired two shots at her, but missed.  She was able to escape out the back door and run to a nearby home for help.

"It was just a shock,” neighbor Rance Jiles said. "Why they picked them out of the neighborhood to do this to, these young people, I don't understand it."  Jiles, who’s lived in the neighborhood for years, can’t believe something like that would happen just a block from his home.

"I've always considered it a safe neighborhood. It's quiet. It's pretty much away from all crime,” neighbor Charlie Powell said. Many people in the neighborhood say this is the last place they thought this would happen.

"You could pretty much leave your doors unlocked around here. You don't have to worry about anyone breaking in,” Powell said.

"We've had a few robberies, you know, burglaries, but as far as home invasions, this is the first one I know of in the 40 years I've been here,” Jiles said.

Jiles says the crime has him concerned, but not enough to make him change his behavior.  "I'm not gonna make any changes. I've been here 40 years. I'm just gonna watch out for my place and try to watch out for neighbors,” Jiles said.

After the shooting, the home invaders ran off. Police are looking for four males, believed to be teens. Channel 2's Berndt Petersen spoke to Lash's wife Monday, who said he is in surgery and is expected to be OK.

어제 저녁 두 어린 아이들과 휴가에서 막 돌아온 젊은 부부의 집에 4명의 십대들이 문을 두드렸고 남편이 문을 열려고 하자 강제로 침입을 시도했다.  그걸 막으려던 남편은 다리에 총격을 당하고, 아내는 두아이를 잡아끌고 뒷문으로 도주해 옆집사람들의 도움을 요청하려고 했다.  십대들이 아내에게도 총격을 가했지만 맞지 않았다고 한다.

이 십대들은 차로 귀가하는 부부를 따라왔던 것 같다고 하는데 이 동네는 상당히 안전한 지역으로 알려져있다고 한다. 

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