권총 사격시 문제점

by MP5 posted May 01, 2016


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권총은 꽤힘듭니다.  그래서 처음 총을 연습할때도 장총이 권총보다 때로는 쉽고 빨리 배울수 있는것 같습니다. 

저를 포함해 많은 분들이 왼쪽에 탄착군이 몰리는것을 볼수있습니다.

한번 보시고 문제점을 파악하시는데 참고하세요.

여름에 야외사격장을 통채로 빌려서 나갈때는 스틸타겟과 타이머를 이용해 움직이며 또 엄폐물을 이용하며 타겟을 맞추는 실전에 점더 가까운 매치도 제안합니다.



A - 놀라거나 반동을 예상하고 당길때

If your shots are favoring the upper left, believe it or not you're flinching. I don't care how many horror movies you watch or how often you skydive, the gun is making you jump when you get the trigger to the break point. It's nothing to be ashamed about. Even long time shooters run into this problem on occasion. The trick is knowing how to recognize it and fix it.

There's any easy way to verify this problem. Have a friend load your magazine and tell him/her to randomly load a couple of snap caps or dummy rounds in with the normal ammo. What this does is creates a scenario where you don't know if the next bullet is actually going to fire or not. 

Most times, flinching will be masked by the recoil of the gun itself. In this case, you're going to eventually pull the trigger and nothing will happen when you're actually expecting it to. See the gun jump just then? That's the flinch.

This is an easy problem to fix. Slow down a bit. Concentrate on a slow and smooth trigger pull. That will work out the kinks and you can eventually start speeding up your shots again. Also, it might help to swap to another gun, if you have a spare. When I find myself flinching consistently, I like to swap down to a fun little .22 for a bit. The reduced recoil and sound, combined with super cheap ammo, works that flinch out fast.

B - 방아쇠 당길때 문제

Chances are that if you're consistently shooting directly to the left of the target, you might want to double check the placement of your trigger finger.  You want to have your pad on the trigger and not the first knuckle.

Easy fix: put the pad of your finger on the trigger and keep it there.  Press slowly until trigger breaks.

C - 사격시 방아쇠를 잡아채는 문제

If you're finding your shots consistently to the lower left, you're most likely yanking that trigger back. The sudden and violent action causes the muscles in your hand and wrist to act accordingly and it'll pull the gun downward. 

Easy Fix: Just like in problem A, you need to slow your trigger pull down. I know that if you're practicing double taps and such the tendency is to jerk the trigger as quickly as possible but a smooth trigger pull is far more important that a fast one. Once you've committed the motion to muscle memory you can work on speeding it up. 

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