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CCL(WCL) 즉 Georgia Weapons Carry License 는 무엇입니까?

by Club_Manager posted May 31, 2016


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Georgia Weapons Carry License

Application for a Weapons Carry License

What is required and what documents do I need when I apply for a Weapons Carry License?

To apply for a Weapons Carry License, you must be 21 years of age or older, unless you are age 18 or older and provide proof that you have completed basic training in the armed forces of the United States and can provide proof that you are actively serving in the armed forces of the United States or have been honorably discharged from such service, and you must be a legal resident of Gwinnett County. To prove you are a resident of Gwinnett County, you must present a valid Georgia Driver's License or State issued I.D. with your Gwinnett County address. If your Gwinnett County address is not on your Driver's License or I.D. card, you may present alternate proof of your Gwinnett County address by providing documents such as a utility bill, lease, or closing documents, if buying a home. In order to qualify for a Georgia Weapons Carry License, you must also:

  1. Be a citizen of the United States; or,

  2. Be a Resident Alien and provide a valid Georgia Driver's License or State issued picture I.D. card, a valid Resident Alien card, and a Georgia Hunting License (which can be obtained by logging onto www.georgiawildlife.com) as well as proof of your 90-day residency in Gwinnett County (Example: You may provide utility bills, rental receipts, etc. that are in your name and that cover the three (3) months immediately preceding the date of your application); or,

  3. Be a Permanent Resident and provide a valid Georgia Driver's License or Georgia State issued picture I.D. card, a Permanent Resident Card, and proof of your 90-day residency in Gwinnett County (Example: You may provide utility bills, rental receipts, etc. that are in your name and that cover the three (3) months immediately preceding the date of your application).

What is acceptable proof of my completion of basic training, active service or an honorable discharge from the U.S. armed forces?

Proof of completion of basic training and being on active duty in the U.S. armed forces would be presentation of a Military ID card (also known as a United States Uniformed Services Privilege and Identification Card or Geneva Conventions Identification Card) with the notation “Active Duty”; or

Military orders that identify specific dates of being on active duty; or

A letter from the active duty service member’s Commanding Officer or JAG (Judge Advocate General) office, stating that he was currently on active duty, serving in Georgia, with an honorable character of service.

Proof of an honorable discharge would be presentation of a form DD-214 (Certificate of Release or Discharge from Active Duty), identifying the veteran's completion of basic training and honorable character of service at discharge.

Will the Probate Court take my application?

Yes. To apply, complete the weapons carry license application form, see the link below or get the paperwork outside of the probate court office, and present it to a clerk in the vital records division of the probate court. You will be required to take an oath, offer a specimen signature and have your picture made. You must then have your fingerprints captured and submit to a criminal history report based upon your fingerprints and your name.

Where do I go for fingerprinting?

After completing the application process in the Vital Records division of the Probate Court, you must be fingerprinted by the Gwinnett County Permits Unit located in the One Justice Square Building, 446 W. Crogan Street, Suite 200, Lawrenceville, Georgia 30046.

The Permits Unit hours of operation are:
Monday through Friday 8:00am - 11:30am
Wednesday 1:00pm - 4:30pm

The law requires that you must be fingerprinted within five (5) business days of the date your application is filed. If you are not fingerprinted within five (5) business days, your application will be administratively dismissed and you will be required to reapply and pay full filing fees.

How much does it cost to apply for a Weapons Carry License?

The total cost of a Weapons Carry License is $77.50. You will pay $72.50 to the Gwinnett County Probate Court by cash or personal check made payable to the Probate Court (no starter checks, third party checks, or business checks are accepted). When you are fingerprinted at the Gwinnett County Permits Unit, you will pay an additional fee of $5.00 to the Permits Unit by cash or credit card (Visa, Master Card, or Discover Card). There are no refunds for these fees.

If you are a retired law enforcement officer who had arresting powers and who worked ten (10) of the twelve (12) years prior to your retirement, Weapons Carry License fees are waived with the exception of a $7.00 fee charged to create your physical license. Proof of retirement is required upon application.

What if I lose my Weapons Carry License?

If your Weapons Carry License is lost, damaged, or stolen, you must notify the Gwinnett County Probate within 48 hours to receive a duplicate. The fee for a duplicate is $6.00.

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