The Top 10 Guns Women Buy
What guns are women buying? Well, we know that each woman can only
know which is the right one for her, but here are the top 10 choices
women are making when purchasing a handgun which can help to narrow the
field of options for you.
Remember, what is right for one woman may not be right for another, so when making your choice it is important to consider all of the variables that may be unique to you such as, hand size, recoil sensitivity, location and reach of the controls and their ease of operation. Get to a gun store and get your hands on numerous models and if possible, rent or try these models on the range. Trust me, you will know the right one when you find it.
I find a number of things very interesting in this list. One, women are primarily buying semi-automatic handguns with a slight majority of them choosing a 9mm. The other fascinating thing is that 3 of the top 10 guns women are choosing are Glocks, which historically has not been known as a woman’s favorite brand. These clear preferences help put to rest such myths as; a woman needs a smaller caliber, she should have a revolver or she should have… fill in the blank. You can see by the variety below, that there is NO ONE RIGHT GUN for a woman or any one feature that makes a gun a “woman’s gun”. Now, I am not nixing revolvers, as both number eleven and twelve came in as revolvers. Many women prefer them and they are the better choice if one’s primary mode of carry is in a concealed carry purse. But clearly, women are breaking some of the stereotypes usually placed on them.
This list was compiled from data collected from The Well Armed Woman holster sales for 2015.

남자들과 어떻게 다를까 하는 호기심으로 들여다 봤는데 큰 차이가 없는 것 같다. .45ACP 구경이 포함되지 않고, .380 로 약간 치중된 걸 제외하면...
참고로 DiscoveryID 같은 범죄전문 채널을 보고 있으면 .22LR 권총으로 살인을 하는 경우가 놀라울 정도로 많다.