Oregon Community College Shooting: Chris Harper Mercer Revealed As Alleged Gunman

Chris Harper Mercer has been revealed as the alleged shooter in the devastating Oregon community college massacre, in which 13 were brutally slaughtered, and 20 left with life threatening injuries.
Chris Harper Mercer, 26, has been identified as the alleged gunman in the massive shooting at Umpqua Community College in Oregon on Oct. 1. The revelation comes just hours after the heartbreaking news that he allegedly killed 13 people on the small campus of roughly 3,000 students, and wounded more than 20.
Law enforcement sources revealed to CBS News that the 26-year-old was identified as the gunman involved in the horrifying shooting. Earlier in the afternoon, the shooter was confirmed to have been killed after he exchanged gunfire with the police. “The shooter is deceased,” John Halin, Sheriff of Douglas County said during a press conference.
The massacre started on the college’s campus, in Snyder Hall part of the school’s science building, according to initial reports. Dead and wounded victims were later found in multiple classrooms throughout the campus. Ten victims were transported to Mercy Medical Center in Roseburg, OR and another two succumbed to their injuries and passed away before reaching the hospital. One of those victims included a woman who was shot in the chest, according to Boice, a Douglas County commissioner.
Umpqua, a school with roughly 3,300 full-time students and 16,000 part-time students, is located less than 70 miles south of Eugene, OR. Information about all of the events surrounding the shooting is still being revealed, including the names of the victims and the motivation behind Chris Harper-Mercer’s alleged attack.
President Obama Says ‘Thoughts & Prayers’ Aren’t Enough
President Barack Obama, 54, was visibly shocked and angry after the news of the mass shooting came to light. During the president’s statement, he sent his condolences to the Roseburg, OR community but President Obama didn’t stop there. Not only did he say, “our thoughts and prayers are not enough” for the victims, he went on to discuss the issue of gun control. The Commander in Chief acknowledged that some will say that he is politicizing the incident, and President Obama continued on to say, “this is something we should politicize. It is relevant to our common life together, to the body politic.” During his time in the White House, the president has constantly pushed Congress to pass legislation which could prevent gun violence for example, banning assault weapons and necessitating background checks for all gun purchases.
Our thoughts go out to the victims of the shooting as well as the Roseburg, OR community.
— Samantha Wilson
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이런 사건들이 너무 자주 일어난다. 예감이 안좋다. 어쩔 수 없이 Gun Control 이 점점 심해질 것 같다.
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