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총기규제를 적극 주장하는 소위 "평화주의자"의 정체

by 아누나끼 posted Oct 22, 2015


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Hillary has long history of beating up Bill behind closed doors: book

She’s on a mission to be a softer, warmer, funnier candidate — but according to a new book, the real Hillary Clinton is so volatile and prone to violent outbursts that she terrorizes staff, Secret Service agents and even her own husband.

In “The Clintons’ War On Women” (Skyhorse), out Oct. 13, political strategist Roger Stone details Hillary’s abusive behavior — dating back to the Clintons’ days in Arkansas, where Bill served as governor.

“Hillary Clinton has a long history of being domestically violent with Bill,” Stone writes. “Hillary has beaten Bill, hit him with hard objects, scratched and clawed him, and made him bleed.”

Stone, a controversial figure who recently decamped from Donald Trump’s campaign, also delves into the more fantastical rumors that have dogged the Clintons for years.

Accounts of marital discord, however, have been well-reported for decades. Even Bill Clinton’s former press officer Dee Dee Myers later admitted that she covered for the first lady.

In March 1993, when Hillary flew to her father’s deathbed in Little Rock, Ark., Bill entertained Barbra Streisand at the White House. When Hillary heard that the singer — an unabashed admirer of the president — had spent the night at the White House, she flew back home in a rage.

The president was later seen with such a bad scratch on his neck that reporters were asking about it.

“I’m the idiot who said he’d cut himself shaving before I’d seen him,” Myers told author Gail Sheehy in 1999. “Then I saw him — it was a big scratch, clearly not a shaving cut. Barbra Streisand was clearly around at the time.”

Arkansas state troopers assigned to then-Gov. Bill Clinton’s detail had seen worse. Once, when Hillary awoke in the middle of the night to find Bill gone, she called the trooper assigned to Bill and demanded he bring the governor home immediately.

She was waiting in the kitchen, and as Chris Andersen wrote in “American Evita: Hillary Clinton’s Path to Power,” the ensuing fight got violent, with “shattering glass and slamming doors” reverberating throughout the mansion. “When it was over, staff members . . . [found] broken glass, smashed dishes and a cupboard door ripped off its hinges.”

Andersen also wrote that Hillary would assault Bill in their limo en route to official functions. Whatever was available, she’d throw at Bill: “Yellow legal pads, files, briefing books, car keys . . . ‘They’d be screaming at each other, real blue-in-the-face stuff,’ one of their drivers said, ‘but when the car pulled up to their destination, it was all smiles and waving for the crowd.’ ”

Just stay the f–k back — stay the f–k away from me!

 - Hillary allegedly screamed at Secret Service

The Secret Service, Stone writes, got a glimpse of the domestic discord as early as Inauguration Day 1993, when Bill told her she couldn’t take the vice president’s office as her own.

“Hillary began Inauguration Day 1993 cursing and shrieking profanities at Bill,” Stone writes. This account was also documented in Gary Aldrich’s book “Unlimited Access: An FBI Agent Inside the Clinton White House” — as was her verbal abuse towards her Secret Service detail.

“Just stay the f–k back — stay the f–k away from me!” she’d tell them. “Don’t come within 10 yards of me, or else! Just f–king do as I say, okay?”

Hillary, Aldrich writes, was incensed that a Secret Service agent refused to carry her luggage — not part of the job description.

Such disdain was inculcated in first daughter Chelsea. As former Bloomberg News reporter Kate Andersen Bower wrote in her book, “The Residence: Inside the Private World of the White House,” Chelsea could be as vicious and imperious as her mother.

Bill and Hillary in Iowa in 2014  Photo: Reuters

“Chelsea was on the phone,” Bower writes, when a Secret Service agent walked in. “ ‘Oh, I’ve got to go,’ she told her friend. ‘The pigs are here.’ ”

White House florist Ronn Payne recalled that agent turning “crimson.”

“‘Ms. Clinton, I want to tell you something,’ he said. ‘My job is to stand between you, your family, and a bullet. Do you understand?’

“She replied, ‘Well, that’s what my mother and father call you.’ ”

In 1999, at the height of the Lewinsky scandal, Hillary again assaulted the president. Stone cites Christopher Andersen’s account:

“Much of what transpired . . . was plainly audible to Secret Service and household staff members down the hall. In the past, Hillary had thrown books and an ashtray at the president — both hitting their mark . . . Hillary slapped him across the face — hard enough to leave a red mark that would be clearly visible to Secret Service agents when he left the room.

“ ‘You stupid, stupid, stupid bastard,’ Hillary shouted.”

As editor and author R. Emmett Tyrell has reported, the verbal and physical abuse has not relented since the Clintons left the White House: “Sources close to the Secret Service . . . report that dreadful altercations have erupted several times,” and usually involve “yelling, screaming, throwing of soft and hard objects, breakage of vases and glasses and just plain nastiness.”

The newer, fuzzier Hillary will be a hard sell with voters, Stone tells The Post. “There’s only one Hillary Clinton: she’s the Ice Queen,” he says. “That’s the real Hillary. The one you see in her campaign — that’s the fake.”

90년대 초, 갓 당선된 대통령의 부인이 엄청난 가정폭력을 휘두른다는 소식이 금융가에 나돌았다.  정통한 소식통으로부터 들은 이야기였지만 하도 엄청난 이야기라 100% 믿기가 힘들었다.  그런데 그 후 여러 책자에서 그 사실은 낱낱이 증명되고 있다.  한 책에서는 힐러리로 부터 대통령이 폭행당해서 침대보가 피로 물들었다는 구절까지 있었다.

이번 달 발간된 The Clintons’ War On Women이라는 책에서는 그녀의 폭력성이 상당히 구체적으로 기술되어 있다. 총기를 규제하기 전에 이 여자 집안의 모든 딱딱하거나 날카로운 물건은 다 압수해야 한다.

Who's 아누나끼


Everyone has a plan 'till they get punched in the mouth. - Mike Tyson


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