1.조지아 슈터스 클럽의 가입 이유는 무엇인가요?
답: I joined GSC to develop my shooting experience. Also for more exposure, where I believe I have a lot to learn from members of this group. My wife is also a member, where we are able to enjoy this collective hobby.
2.거주하고 계신 지역과 즐겨찾는 건레인지가 있다면 어디인가요?
답: Alpharetta. I am an annual membership holder at Sharpshooters USA.
3.사격에 대한 경험과 보유총기,장비가 있으신가요?
답: I have been shooting since I was 8 years old. Guns in my safe include: 7 pistols, 1 AR, 1 pistol carbine, 1 sniper. Lastly, sufficient amount of equipments for recreational shooting.
4.내가 가장 잘하는것과 뛰어난 분야는 무엇인가요? 예)전공분야, 사업분야, 관심분야 등등.
답: I like being hands on; therefore, very handy with DIY around equipments. I graduated with a degree in Information Systems and Management and work in sales enablement, providing analytics and business process support for a FinTech company.
5.클럽과 멤버들에게 바라는 점이 있다면 적어주세요
답: I have met the club members and I recognized everyone had excellent skills, knowledge and attitude. I would love to participate, learn from everyone and enjoy this hobby with everyone.