펌글]Concealed Carry Permit Reciprocity Maps

by GASHOOTERS posted May 30, 2015


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컨실드캐리에 관한 내용이 지도로 아주쉽게 나와있는 곳입니다. 타주에 가시거나 궁금하신 분들은 한번 살펴보세요.

Concealed Carry Permit Reciprocity Maps

The permit maps below will show you which states you can carry concealed in as well as which state’s permits are honored in a particular state. If you have a concealed carry permit and want to know which state you can carry in use the default map “States That Honor My Permit(s). If you want to know which state’s permits are honored in a particular state, click on the “Permits Honored By State” tab. If you need help with these maps or what reciprocity means, click here to view our detailed explanation below.

Please select your state of residence first and then all other states you have a concealed firearm permit in. To deselect states, just click them again. Click here to Clear Map



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